Our focus on RAW Ethereal Papers will guide you through their exceptional quality and how they promise a superior roll and smoke. 

Step up to authenticity and let the true taste of your smoke shine through.



RAW's created something special for those who get why the thinnest veil between their lips and the herbs matters. 

Ethereal Papers are for the purists, the ones who can tell when it’s just the terps talking. Get ready to roll with papers so fine, they’re almost not there – because when it comes to taste, RAW believes you should savour it all.


RAW’s Philosophy

At the heart of RAW's creation of Ethereal Papers lies a deep-seated philosophy: to bring smokers closer to the natural essence of their herbs. This brand stands firmly on the pillars of sustainability and unrefined purity, crafting papers that are as close to nature as possible. 

RAW champions the use of natural materials, ensuring that each rolling paper enhances, rather than detracts from, the natural flavours of the herb. 

It's this dedication to quality and environmental responsibility that makes RAW a trusted name among connoisseurs seeking an authentic smoking experience.


The Design of Ethereal Papers: Mastering the Art of Thin

RAW Ethereal Papers represent the pinnacle of rolling paper design, embodying subtlety. Their remarkable thinness, akin to a translucent veil, ensures that the focus stays on the herb, allowing its flavours and aromas to shine through.

This design philosophy isn't just about aesthetics; it's a functional choice that enhances the smoking experience, ensuring a slow, even burn that respects the smoker's preference for purity and quality. 

RAW's innovation in creating such ethereal thinness showcases their mastery in paper-making, offering smokers a truly elevated experience.


Rolling with RAW Ethereal Papers

Rolling with RAW Ethereal Papers is an art that requires a skillful touch. These papers' ultra-thin nature calls for a gentle approach to prevent tears. 

Start with a light, even distribution of your herb to ensure an even burn. The key is balance - enough firmness to hold its shape, yet gentle enough to maintain the paper's integrity. 

Practice makes perfect, and mastering the roll with Ethereal Papers rewards you with a seamless smoking experience, where every draw is a testament to your herb’s purity and essence.


The Ethereal Smoking Experience: Pure, Unfiltered Enjoyment

Using RAW Ethereal Papers elevates the smoking experience by emphasising the herb's natural flavours and aromas. 

These papers, designed to be almost invisible to the senses, allow for a smoke that's clean and smooth.

The slow, even burn minimises harshness, making each session a moment of pure enjoyment. 

It's an experience that respects the smoker's choice for quality and authenticity, making each puff a deeper connection to the natural world.


RAW's Green Commitment

RAW's commitment to sustainability goes beyond their products. They're dedicated to making a positive impact on the planet, ensuring that their papers, including the Ethereal line, are produced with eco-friendly practices. 

This commitment is evident in their use of renewable energy, recycled materials, and partnerships with environmental initiatives.


Preserving the Essence of Ethereal Papers

To ensure your RAW Ethereal Papers continue to deliver an exceptional smoking experience, proper care is essential. 

Store them in a cool, dry place to maintain their integrity and prevent moisture damage. Handle them with care during the rolling process to avoid tears or creases. 

Additionally, consider investing in a quality rolling tray to keep your papers clean and organised. 

By treating your Ethereal Papers with respect and care, you can continue to enjoy their unparalleled quality and purity.


Little Head Shop’s Verdict

The praise for RAW Ethereal Papers speaks volumes. With a growing fanbase and rave reviews, it's evident that these papers have struck a chord with smokers. 

Offering a blend of quality, innovation, and a profound reverence for the smoking tradition, RAW Ethereal Papers provide an unparalleled experience. 

Whether you're a seasoned smoker or new to the world of rolling papers, these are a must-try for anyone seeking a higher standard.